Championship Show 2023

Old English Sheepdog Club of Victoria

Critique - Championship Show  2nd December 2023

This year marks my 51st year of owning Old English Sheepdogs and my second time judging the breed for the OES Club of Victoria.  I’m honoured by both the invitation and the entry at this time, when around Australia normal showing numbers are quite low.  I sincerely thank the Club and exhibitors for the opportunity.  I had some difficult decisions, with such a highly competitive field but give here my observations of the dogs on the day.  I'd also like to thank all those who worked to put the show together and worked hard on the day to make it a pleasure to attend.  The Fleming family deserve special thanks for their photographs, presented here.


The presentation was excellent and the overall quality of the exhibits very good, across the board.   While there is more scissoring and spraying than I like to see, it wasn't as excessive as I've seen at other times and I thank exhibitors for that.  I hope to see more OES being bred and sold without restrictions on their being bred, to strengthen the breed numbers as it seems that our beautiful, sedate, funny, tolerant, gentle breed is at risk of disappearing.



1st & Best Baby Puppy in Show:  Olensha Lucky That Way






Level bite Capacious nose Nicely proportioned head for his age & should develop well Good neck length and arching

Quite good shoulders  Chest and loin developing well; reasonable topline Good rear angulation Moves freelyWell balanced, very promising baby



1st & Best Puppy in Show:  Perfu Mr Goodfellow  






Tall puppy Head developing nicely, quite good stop & arching over the eyes Level bite Reasonable length of neck

Slightly rising topline; reasonably strong loin Open anglulation front & rear Good feet – right rear foot turned out a little

Nice coat coming through Movement balanced - could have more reach and drive




Intermediate Dog:     


1st:  Perfu That Darn Cat

Scissor bite, strong teeth; lovely nose, truncated muzzle; reasonably dark eyes; well defined stop & good arching over the eyes; reasonably square head, still maturing; reasonable forechest; reasonable neck length

Could have more arching over loin – withers quite high relative to the loin; a little more angulation in rear than front; quite high hocks; nice coat developing; moves quite evenly but more power from rear than reach in front.



Open Dog  – two quality dogs - not much between them and could change places on another day.


loin with slight arching over a strong loin;  good body proportions; quite open angulation in front; quite good angulation in rear; nice low hocks; lovely coat colour, could have more texture; movement quite good but would like more reach


2nd & Reserve Challenge Dog:  

Aust Champ Malizioso Let's Go Dutch

Larger dog; pleasing outline;  capacious nose, correct bite; strong, truncated muzzle; eyes could be a little darker; head a little longer than wide; 

Good neck length and arching; nice forechest; withers higher than loin; arching over loin not clear; very good  coat texture & good colour

Balanced, quite good front & rear angulation; good hocks; a little more power in the rear than the front






Baby Puppy Bitch:

1st:  Perfu Extraordinary Show Girl

A lot to like - nicely balanced baby

Nicely shaped head

Good muzzle & teeth; lovely dark eyes

Reasonable neck; good topline

Quite good angulation front and rear

Moved freely; higher in hock than I’d like


2nd:  Olensha I Should Be So Lucky

Quite a large puppy for her age

Lacking the overall balance of number 1 

Head developing nicely;  good teeth and eyes; lacking

a little in neck and arching over loin -  rising topline; could have a longer upper arm; proportionately longer in body; reasonable rear angulation; nice low hocks; not as settled in movement as number 1.


1st & Minor Puppy in Show:

 Perfu Goodness Gracious

Nice bitch; nicely balanced front & rear

Lovely eyes; well shaped skull

Good mouth, reasonable underjaw

Reasonable forechest; good topline

Nice coat coming through

Good reach & drive; slightly longer hocks


2nd:  Woolebull Xpressionable

Taller bitch; relatively shorter in body; bit short in

upper arm; a little steeper in rear angulation; quite good reach & drive; coat a bit muddy at the moment – should clear; moved evenly.


1st & Runner-up Best in Show, Inter in Show &

Reserve Challenge Bitch: Aust Champ Malizioso Eyes of an Angel

Nicely balanced bitch

Reasonable head – would like a bit more capaciousness but she's still young; nice muzzle, lovely bite; lovely dark eyes; lovely long neck; slight forechest

Correct topline; loin slightly higher than withers as required

Very good front & rear angulation

Best natural coat texture I’ve seen for a very long time; intermediate coat coming on beautifully

                                                                                                       Nice low hocks

Australian Bred Bitch:  

1st & Best Aust Bred in Show: Waloes Don't Dream It Be It (AI)

Nice outline. Would like a squarer head; reasonable neck; nice eyes; good teeth; reasonable stop & arching

Correct topline

Could do with more angulation front & rear but balanced; nice low hocks

Coat a bit muddy - quite good texture but needs to clear

Flows on movement but would like more ground

coverage; good coming & going

More feminine than number 2

Larger bitch; flighty temperament; good head & teeth; nice eyes; nice forechest; open angles front & rear; withers higher than loin – sloping topline; quite good coat texture, nice colour


1st & Best in Show, Open in Show & Challenge

Bitch:  Aust Supreme Champ Bagatelle Moonlight Garden (Imp Can)

Feminine bitch; lovely balanced outline, strong appearance; correct body proportions & strong body Good teeth; correct head shape; dark eyes; reasonably capacious nose; nicely arched, quite long neck; correct topline; strong loin; nice coat colour, reasonable texture; good angulation; nice low hocks

2nd: Aust Champ Woolebull Wollemi At Snodragon (AI)

Larger bitch; capacious nose; correct teeth; strong

muzzle; dark eyes; would like a more capacious head for size; fairly long, arched neck; lacking a bit in forechest; a little longer in body; balanced angulation but a bit open front & rear; correct topline; strong body; lovely textured, clear coloured coat; moved with good reach & drive – overall lovely length in movement.

Neuter Dog:

1st & Best Neuter in Show: Olensha You Were Made For Me

Large dog;  clipped but with enough coat to see good colour 

2 blue eyes; good  teeth & muzzle; lovely head Reasonable neck; little forechest; OK topline; a bit unbalanced in  movement – more angulation in rear than front; open angulation front & rear; reasonable hocks







Best in Show:   Supreme Champ Bagatelle Moonlight Garden (Imp Can)


Moved beautifully, flowed around the ring with an excellent ground-covering stride; lovely reach & drive; looked all OES; a strong, compact-looking, thick-set bitch with great symmetry, as the breed standard asks for.



Runner-up Best in Show:   Aust Champ Malizioso Eyes of an Angel


Also flowed beautifully around the ring, showing correct construction throughout;  still young but with great promise.


Photos and critique of the 2023 Championship Show coming soon.

Contact Details

Wayne Fleming
Sunbury, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0402784848
Email : [email protected]